Monday, July 7, 2008


So, after reading the first few entries of this blog, Mr. ChelleBelle has a few corrections he'd like me to issue.

Correction 1: He is not merely an "auditor for a university" - he is an audit manager.

Duly noted.

Correction 2: He is not a "foodie"; he is a "gourmand".


Correction 3: He prefers not to be called "Mr. ChelleBelle". Suggested alternatives include "His Almightiness", "Sir" and/or "Master".

Errrr....hmmmm. For some strange reason, none of those suggestions really grabbed me. Gee...I wonder why?

Henceforth, Mr. ChelleBelle shall be known as...well...any ideas?


Kelly said...

Hey Michelle - I just found your blog! Very nice . . . have you and W really been married ten years now? That is truly incredible (in a good way, not a disbelieving way, natch.) You should hop on over to my blog if you get a chance, not that I've updated it in a while, but you know.

ChelleBelle said...

Hey Kelly! Thanks for the comment! And yes, we will be married 10 years in August - it is hard to believe!

Can you send me a link to your blog? I'll add you to my blog roll!

karrie said...

Hi! Just saw your post and stopped by to add your blog.

Anonymous said...

Michelle! I added you, too :)

Also, you can call him "master", but only if you prefix it with "ass". Just like Margaret Cho.

Kelly said...

Also, I'm not so sure about "gourmand," conjuring as it does images of swilling port and eating kidneys for breakfast. Also consider the (sadly unsourced) following from William Safire:

After eating, an epicure gives a thin smile of satisfaction; a gastronome, burping into his napkin, praises the food in a magazine; a gourmet, repressing his burp, criticizes the food in the same magazine; a gourmand belches happily and tells everybody where he ate; a glutton embraces the white porcelain altar, or, more plainly, he barfs.

So there.

ChelleBelle said...

Thanks to everyone for adding me to their blogrolls!

I still haven't figured out how to refer to Mr. ChelleBelle on this blog, but Kelly: W read your comment and said "Actually, Kelly's right on." He is is a gourmand. Then he belched and said "I ate at Laredo."