Monday, November 24, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Cometh

Today after school CoasterGirl proudly announced, "I'm growing up!" The latest milestone? She lost her first tooth today. As she grinned to show me the gap in her smile and held up the zip-lock baggie containing her first lost baby tooth, I felt my heart clench and my stomach roil.

Neither feeling was unexpected; this fresh evidence that my first-born is no longer my baby girl was sure to tug at my heartstrings, and me being me, make me nauseated. For whatever reason, the mere thought of a tooth wiggling around in a kid's mouth (much less being pulled) leaves me squeamish and faintly green. W. is getting a big kick out of this, I assure you. I have informed him that he is, from now on, in charge of all things related to loose teeth and the tooth fairy.

How on earth did I manage to make it through my childhood with such a phobia, you might ask? Easy: it didn't bother me when I was young. In fact, I have memories of pulling my own teeth and exploring the gaps with my tongue with no ill effects. Ah, well. Good thing I never considered a career in dentistry - I would never be able to complete an extraction!

CoasterGirl shows no ill effects from having lost the tooth, though; she's happy to be able to eat again, and anxious to catch up with her best friend, who has already lost five teeth!

Good grief. This childhood thing really does go by quickly, doesn't it?


Susan said...

Awww.:) So what's the tooth fairy leaving? No joke- Jim and I have a friend who left their child $20 (because it was the middle of the night and they had no change). $20!!!!

ChelleBelle said...

Oh, my goodness!!! $20?????

Ummm...W. picked up several $2 bills from the bank last week - she'll be getting one of those. I think she'll get a kick out of it!